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2018-01-25 SB min.
Selectboard -- Town of Princeton, Mass. – Jan. 25, 2018 – 2 PM
– Meeting – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

Community Compact Grant & work by Collins Center – Jon noted that because the Strategic Analysis and Planning Group proposal is underway, the CC Grant work is not pressing.
Fire Dept. budget  – Dep. Chief Tim Kelly was in for Chief Bennett to discuss the chief’s memo on department needs, which Tim had developed. He explained that a full-time EMT is on duty Monday through Friday for the 1st shift, and that four staff are required to assemble before leaving for a fire scene. There were 12 – 15 fire-damage events in town in 2017. He outlined response times and explained how the property loss at 30 Mountain Road could not have been abated with more staff, water, alarms or resources because of the building’s “balloon” construction. He also pointed out how smoke detector sensors need replacement after 10 years as they stop working, even when they meet a manual test. All agreed this fact should be communicated to all property owners.
                Jon F. asked about the need for two fire stations as most communities have just one. Tim described industry standards for response times, and distances for the call firefighters to get to a fire station from wherever they live, in neighboring towns. Group discussed ambulance abatements and Tim explained the distinction between Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) including ALS2 which is maximum (life-saving) care. He added that the current, new billing company is aggressive enough to make use of a collection agency unnecessary. As a revolving fund, the Ambulance Account is covering its operating costs with its revenue. There was some discussion about communities which have used a lien on property to collect an outstanding, ambulance bill.
Fire Dept. permits, fees, abatements – The Select Board voted all in favor to abate FY’08-11 ambulance uncollected amounts; voted all in favor to approve a rate Increase as proposed for Ambulance services and voted all in favor to adopt the requested permit fee for three new permits by the Fire Dept. under 527 CMR 1 Chapter 1 (hot work permit, combustible/flammable storage, and transfer tank permits).
Minutes  2:40 PM – Select Board voted all in favor to  approve minutes from Jan. 2 & 8 w/ Exec. Sessions (not to be released) and Jan. 16.
Thomas Prince School Deed Restriction due to PCBs, Update – Wording for a proposed deed restriction for T.P. School due to PCBs has been sent to Town Counsel for review.
Salt Contracts – A new requirement in the town’s procurement consortium (managed by the Town of Shrewsbury) says the Town must enter into two contracts for salt purchases. The board voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to enter into contacts with Champion Salt, LLC and Morton Salt, Inc.
Class II Used Vehicle License Renewal – The Selectboard voted all in favor to renew the Class II Used Vehicle License for Chris Goodnow Auto Sales LLC.
Handbook for Conservation Commissioners 2:45 PM – Jon has asked to read the Handbook, published online only, by the Mass. Association of Conservation Commissioners, a private, professional support organization. The board wants clarification on Wetlands Protection Act requirements for culvert repair.
T.A. workload – After some discussion about requests from citizens and/or town officials for materials, directed at the T.A.’s office, the board agreed that public records must be made available, but not extra research or analysis.
Facilities Steering Committee – Nina reported that FSC members appear to be in unity with the consensus of the architect’s (JWA) recommendations to date. Jon F. shared a “43 Town Comparison” to show where Princeton fell in terms of state aid, cost per capital of each road mile, police, population density, relative wealth, free cash and stabilization fund. Group discussed housing private groups such as Historical Society, and where community centers are sited, as some are in town hall buildings. Edith pointed out that JWA has answered most of those questions and she supports using the Bagg Hall 2nd floor as community space.
        Jon F. stressed importance of due diligence before asking voters to approve $9 million in capital spending for facilities, especially with the average 6.7 percent increase in tax bills this year.
                Jon outlined ways in which the town can raise up to $10 million without raising taxes, specifically for building projects. There was discussion on finding funds without raising taxes, such as (unspent) overlay funds that had been slated to pay potential abatements, along with other stabilization or reserve funds. Nina cited use of a List Serve with other TAs if there are specific questions which the Select Board wanted to survey other towns about.
Resignation received – The board accepted a letter of resignation from ZBA Chairman John Puricelli, noting that he served on the board for many years. A letter of gratitude will be forwarded to him.
T.A. reports –  Nina stated that the work at Station #1, is temporarily recommended to be placed on hold by the Fire Chief, given the Facilities Studies, etc., but the need continues for the services of a company to install an exhaust evacuation system at Station #2. This project is hoped to start soon. A five-town roundtable discussion is being proposed by Rutland and dates are being sorted out.

Executive Session 3:50 PM -- in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21:-- Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A.     Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”


Adjourned  4:17 PM In roll call, board voted to adjourn from Exec. Session and regular meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

Selectboard Referenced Documents:  budget memo from fire chief; proposed deed restriction for  T.P. School; letter from Robt. Haines praising public safety staff; letter of resignation from ZBA Chairman John Puricelli; 43 Town Comparison and list of due diligence from Jon F.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department